
Sunday, January 11, 2015

Am I Replacing My Vitamix With NutriBullet?
Replacing my Vitamix with the NutriBullet?

Um, no way.  But I have just added the NutriBullet Pro 900 to my vegan bag of tricks.

You may be wondering why a diehard Vitamix chick would do such a thing.

My reasoning is twofold.

One, I wanted a travel solution.

We can all agree that traveling vegan can be challenging.  I try to make it easier by getting a hotel with an in-room mini fridge and then hitting a local grocer or farmer's market for fresh produce.  Due to its small stature, the NutriBullet can easily fit into a suitcase and create magical smoothies on-the-go!  The super, easy clean-up can be taken care of via the bathroom sink.  Bonus, the blending containers double as travel mugs.

Two, smaller is sometimes better.

The Vitamix can truly do anything, but when it comes to smaller quantities, the NutriBullet is a better solution.  Specifically for sauces, dips and dressings - think a cup or less in volume.  The smaller size is also perfect for grinding flax seed, herbs and whole spices.

I like the NutriBullet because it grinds nut & seeds just like the Vitamix.  It's just as easy to clean and due to its size, can be stored away in a cabinet in seconds. I went with the Pro 900 series, because I wanted the 900 watts, so that power difference from the the Vitamix's 1380 watts of power wasn't too noticeable.

Better than a Vitamix?

Now, don't think that the NutriBullet can replace a Vitamix.  That's like comparing a Corolla to a Mustang.

At a maximum capacity of 24 oz. the NutriBullet falls short to Vitamix's 64 oz. capacity.  Additionally, the NutriBullet can only run at 1 minute intervals, 3 intervals max before the motor needs a timeout to avoid burnout.  A far cry from the 6 minute max with Vitamix - that means no making soup and no walking away while blending.

Currently, the NutriBullet Pro 900 is running around $130 bucks and can be found on Amazon.  Although, check the big box stores for on-going sales.

For small, quick jobs or vegan travel, I'm all about the NutriBullet.

Check it out.

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