are referred to as essential, because our body cannot create them, we
must ingest them. However, fish and supplements (DHA/EPA) are not the
answer. Instead, to receive optimal benefits, it is best to consume
omega-3s via plant-based foods.
But let’s, back up, why are omega-3s so great?
starters they are highly anti-inflammatory and protect against heart
attacks, stroke and dementia, while limiting the severity of arthritis,
depression and even dry wrinkly skin and dry scalp. They are absolutely
necessary for brain and retinol development in a growing fetus.
They also:
- help to reduce inflammation in the body
- help prevent cancer cell growth
- help the body assimilate insulin
So, where should I get Omega-3s?
out the middle-fish and go directly to the source. That’s right, fish
don’t make omega-3s either, they make it from the plants they eat. You
do the same…
- Beans
- Brussels Sprouts
- Cauliflower
- Ground Flax Seed
- Hemp Seeds
- Kiwis
- Leafy Greens
- Seaweed (just try it)
- Sesame Seeds
- Soaked Chia Seeds
- Walnuts
What about Omega-6 Essential Fatty Acids?
equally as essential as omega-3s and not created by the body either are
omega-6s. However, we get plenty of those through polyunsaturated fats
which are rampant in our daily diets. In fact, we get too much.
Ideally, we want a ratio of 2 to 1 omega-6 to omega-3. But, we get
more like 20 to 1 due to all the oils, animal fats, processed and
convenience foods in our diets. With this imbalance comes inflammation.
Luckily for you, those who stick to a whole-food, plant-based diet
with minimum processed foods have a way better omega-6 to omega-3 ratio
than all the other poor saps.
Keep it Healthy!The Hoff
Main Street Vegan by Victoria Moran
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