
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hodgepodge Stir-Fry

There's nothing I like better than clearing out leftover veggies and such.  So once a week I make a stir-fry using whatever is still hanging around so I can have a clean slate come next shopping day.

Last night was just that type of meal.

I had left over Chickpeas from an attempt at making an Alfredo Sauce (recipe to come later).  Stripped some ears of corn of their lovely kernels, no need to cook.  Chopped some Red Pepper, Hot Pepper, Mushrooms, Ginger, Onion and Garlic.  Shredded some Carrot sticks and Zucchini.  I have found that the key to mixing this many types of veggies is to finely chop everything.  For this, I use my handy dandy Chopper!  I suspect a food processor would work just as well.  I throw all of this into a non-stick Wok (or large frying pan) on medium to high heat and cook until softened. 

To create a sauce, I stir in Bragg Liquid Aminos, a tablespoon of Almond Butter (any nut butter will do), some Grey Poupon (any mustard will do), and lastly my flavor enhancer cheat - bottled Sweet & Sour Sauce about 1/3 of a cup.

Meanwhile, I make 1-2 cups of Rice or Undon Noodles (spaghetti works just as well).  Adding to the veggies once cooked, so the flavors can blend.

As you can imagine, my stir-fries are different each week depending on what I have on hand.  In the summer everything is fresh!  In the winter, I raid the freezer - which makes this dish even easier because everything is already chopped.  Meal-time is never boring in the Hoff's House!

The key here is to go with your gut.  If you think such and such would taste good together - go for it!  If you like red pepper flakes - add them!  I have a standing rule, if I ruin dinner I can always call the pizza guy.  I've been at this a long time and I have yet to call Mr. Pizzaman.

So dig into those corners and give those leftovers a second life.

Happy Creating!
The Hoff

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