You may recall last year when I excitedly started telling you about my experiences with my very first CSA. You may also recall, that those updates abruptly stopped. That was because things turned sour with my CSA farmer rather quickly and while I stuck through the entire season, it was wrought with hostility and frustration - nothing that I felt like writing about nor sharing with you. What I took away from that experience is the importance of thoroughly investigating any CSA in which you intend to enter into a contract with.
(Perhaps you came to the party late and have no clue as to what a CSA is; check out
CSA Season is Upon Us! to catch up.)
I thought twice about joining another CSA this year, but I was determined not to let one farmer's misdealings deter me from a potentially great experience.
Yesterday I received my first bounty from my new CSA,
Fresh Fork & I am so thrilled that I reconsidered!!! I know, I know, it's still early, but I have a really positive feeling about these guys. This time, I actually talked to people who have participated in their CSA program in the past - all who had nothing but good things to say. In fact when a friend of mine had to back out of her agreement due to logistic changes, she received a full refund - no questions asked.
Who is Fresh Fork?
First of all, they cater to omnivores, vegetarians and vegans! Say what - isn't a CSA all vegetables and fruit? Not with these guys - they pool area resources to provide tasty treats each week such as: pasture raised chickens, sweet pea & basil pasta and vegan burgers! Plus at pick-up they were selling Ohio Maple Syrup, dried black beans by the pound, salsas and cheeses all à la carte.
They are high-tech! You can get everything you need from their robust
website. They send out weekly email
newsletters with topics ranging from farming techniques to recipes and preservation techniques. They even give you heads up of what you're getting and ideas on what to do with it! Plus, Fresh Forks maintains a
blog, to keep you in the know. They also have digital tablets at the pick-up to keep track of things! Très efficient.
Fresh Fork Market was started by Trevor Clatterbuck, along with four other Case Western students, 4 years ago while still in college. They are committed to sourcing only the best local, artisanal products. Working directly with the producers to bring food from the farm to customers in a very short time; assuring the freshest products available. Their mission - " be the first, middle, and last name of local foods. We will bring the freshest local ingredients of the highest quality straight from the farm to your fork."
My First Bounty!
My bag was so full, I needed the help of a friend to carry it! To tell the truth, I was kinda overwhelmed by everything I got and am at a lost for what to do with some of it, but I do have a few ideas...
Check out what I got, keep in mind this is a small, vegan option:
Just a portion of my bounty! |
- 1 head broccoli - Hoff's Chinese Broccoli Noodles
- 1 bulb kohlrabi - ???
- 1 bunch collard greens
- 1 quart strawberries - already gone!
- 1 bunch red Russian kale - hello Mr Juicer!
- 1 bunch garlic scapes
- 1 head green leaf lettuce - Hoff's Chinese Lettuce Wraps
- 1 bunch radishes - hmm...
- 1 quarter lb bag of pea tendrils - ???
- 2 lbs hothouse tomatoes
- 1 lb shelled peas - making Pea & Pesto Soup!
While I may be at a loss for what to do with some of these things, Trevor's got me covered with the first
CSA Newsletter for 2012.
CSA 2012 Season
For 22 weeks, Fresh Fork will provide fresh and local foods of the highest quality. Each week, you can expect to get a center of the plate item, side dish type items and a selection of produce that pairs nicely with those products.
Have I peaked your interest?
Although this CSA officially started June 6, there is still time to get in on the action. Check out their online
registration page for CSA packages and payment options, review their
pricing, find out if they have a
drop-off location convenient for you.
Yeah, I have a good feeling about this one...more to come.
I Got My CSA Back!
The Hoff