Sunday, September 4, 2011

Hoff Hit: Pesto Sauce

Ever set out to make a fresh batch of Pesto Sauce only to come up short in the Basil department?

No problem!

Substitute Spinach to make up what ever quantity you're lacking.

I've even made Pesto using only Spinach - you'll never tell the difference.


  1. I wonder what arugula would be like? That's the garden's star this week, the whole patch regrew and I'm overwhelmed!

  2. Try it! Here's a recipe that won't hurt the budget too much if it fails:

    4 cups arugula
    1/4 pine nuts
    1-2 cloves garlic
    1tbsp water
    1tbsp soy sauce

    Blend until smooth.

    Let me know how it turns out!
