Monday, August 1, 2011

Quick Meal Idea: Teriyaki Salmon

I used to enjoy this super quick, lost cost meal during my Prescetarian days (a vegetarian who eats fish).

This meal feeds two for dinner or makes a great work lunch for two days.

A Meal For Two:
  1. Cook Rice according to package
  2. Divide Rice into two portions (one package is about 2 cups)
  3. Heat Green Beans divided into two portions
  4. Heat Salmon
  5. Plate and Eat!
For Lunch:
  1. Divide Rice into two containers (I like Pyrex or Anchor Hocking glass containers)
  2. Top with Green Beans divided into two portions
  3. Top with Salmon, allowing the marinade to flow over the Green Beans and Rice
No need to heat any of this ahead of time.  Simply heat the meal all together once lunchtime rolls around.

Bon Appetit!
The Hoff

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