The theater was packed! Lots of people interested in healthy news and that was refreshing to be a part of.
An added bonus was the appearance of Pamela Popper, Ph.D, ND from Columbus, OH who appears briefly in the movie. She gave a short introduction prior to the showing and hung around after to answer questions. I picked up her DVD, "Take Control of Your Health," which I will review later.
What I like about this doc is the straight talk that a wholefoods, plant-based diet can prevent and even reverse degenerative diseases such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
The usually players are in this one: Dr. Campbell, a nutritional scientist at Cornell University (The China Study), Dr. Esselstyn, Director of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Reversal at the Wellness Institute of the Cleveland Clinic and a few others.
What I didn't like about this doc was the rather, dry, typical documentary delivery. I'll admit, I zoned out a few times (I tried!).
Nonetheless, it gets you thinking about how detrimental our western diet is, do we really need to consume animal products and how we shouldn't rely on the government for our nutritional advice.
Check out the trailer!
That sounds interesting. We have a farm and try to raise most of our food. Even though we do the meat thing, we really limit our meat consumption even with a freezer full. I don't think it's healthy to eat so much meat.